While it may feel like medical cannabis will soon be an option worldwide, on the ground, medical cannabis access is still far from reality for many patients. Many patients across the country, even in states with robust medical cannabis programs, are still without safe or legal access.
With the 2022 election upon us, the future of medical cannabis legalization depends on you and your vote! At the state level and at the federal level, it is imperative to vote for legislators that are in favor of moving cannabis policies forward. The upcoming 118th congress will have our best opportunity yet to enact federal medical cannabis laws. Your votes can help keep existing allies in office and bring new advocates in but to pass those laws we will not only need champions in the House and the Senate but also support in the White House. With the 2022 election upon us, the future of medical cannabis legalization depends on you and your vote!
Make sure to check that you are registered to vote this year and don't lose this opportunity to exercise your democratic right!
Make your voices heard and cast your vote this election season, because every vote is a medical cannabis vote!
As a non-profit, we can not continue our work without the support of people like you, if you appreciate the work we do to help move cannabis policy forward, please consider donating today.