To be put on the registry of cannabidiol patients in Indiana you must provide a certified statement by a physician that you've been diagnosed with epilepsy resistant to other forms of treatment. You must also be a resident of the state of Indiana.

Eligible conditions:

Only a diagnosis of treatment resistant epilepsy qualifies you to become a registered patient in Indiana. Treatment resistant epilepsy could include: Dravet syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, or epilepsy from another source which is otherwise untreatable.

Becoming a Caregiver:

To become a caregiver in Indiana, you must be at least 18 years of age and be a resident of Indiana

Out-of-State Patients:

There is no reciprocity available to out-of-state patients in Indiana. For more information about traveling as a medical cannabis patient, check out our Travel Guide.

Home Cultivation:

Private cultivation of cannabis is illegal in the state of Indiana.


Medical cannabis patients can find additional resources here

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