Don't miss the latest ASA Activist Newsletter!
Check out the October 2021 issue of the ASA Activist Newsletter for updates on developments that matter for medical cannabis advocates, including Congressional action on the revived MORE Act that could end federal prohibition. You'll also learn about how ASA has changed its grading of medical cannabis programs for the forthcoming State of the States report, as well as the latest state to add PFC training for cannabis businesses.
The newsletter includes event announcements of an upcoming mixer in Texas for veterans, a podcast interview about hemp and CBD standards, and a link to a free webinar on using Cannakey research tools to inform education and policy.
In the activist profile, you'll learn about Michelle J. Wright, who turned to cannabis medicine to treat a son with severe autism and ended up with one of the first Masters degrees in cannabis science from the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy.
Each month, the ASA Activist Newsletter covers important federal, state and local developments, what's happening with ASA, and inspiring stories of local activists. Subscribe today to have it delivered via email, or you can read it each month here on ASA's website.
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