A patient must be diagnosed with uncontrollable epilepsy which is not adequately treated by traditional medical therapies. Qualifying patients are protected from arrest, prosecution, civil penalties and discrimination for use and possession of cannabis that contains at least 98% cannabidiol (CBD) and no more than 0.9% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). There is no requirement for state registration and the law is largely silent on cultivation and distribution of cannabis. There is no formal patient registration set forth by the law; however, patients must be enrolled in an authorized clinical research program in order to obtain legal protections and access to CBD medicine.
Eligible conditions:
The following qualifying medical conditions include:
- cancer
- multiple sclerosis
- a neurological disease or disorder, including epilepsy
- glaucoma
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Crohn's disease
- sickle cell anemia
- ulcerative colitis
- cachexia or wasting syndrome
- autism
- severe or persistent nausea in a person who is not pregnant
- a chronic medical condition causing severe and persistent muscle spasms
- chronic pain
- any chronic or debilitating medical condition for which an opioid is currently or could be prescribed by a physician based on generally accepted standards of care
- any condition not otherwise specified in this item that a physician, in the physician's reasonable medical opinion, considers debilitating to the individual and is qualified through his medical education and training to treat
- a terminal illness with a life expectancy of less than one year in the opinion of the patient's treating physician
- any other serious medical condition or its treatment added by the Medical Cannabis Advisory Board, as provided for in Section 44-53-2060.
Becoming a Patient as a Minor:
Since there is no formal registration process in South Carolina, this process is entirely up to the physician.
Benefits of Being a Patient:
You will have an affirmative defense in court if arrested for possession of CBD oil.
Becoming a Caregiver:
To become a caregiver in South Carolina, you must provide care to a qualifying patient, either temporarily or permanently. You may be a relative or someone who lives in the same household as the qualifying patient and/or be employed by a day care center or a public or private institutional facility. There is no statutory limitation on compensation for designated caregivers. While designated caregivers are defined in the law, no legal protections are afforded to caregivers.
Out-of-State Patients:
The state of South Carolina does not accept Out-of-State patient registrations. For more information about traveling as a medical cannabis patient, check out our Travel Guide.
Home Cultivation:
Growing cannabis at home is illegal in South Carolina.
Medical cannabis patients can find additional resources here
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