To qualify for cannabis oil treatment in Kansas, you must be a patient currently being treated by your doctor for a debilitating medical condition. Ask your doctor about medical cannabis, they will write you a letter certifying their approval for your use which you must keep on your person as long as you are in possession of the cannabis oil.
Eligible conditions:
State law defines a debilitating medical condition as "a medically diagnosed chronic disease or medical condition causing a serious impairment of strength or ability to function, including one that produces seizures, for which the patient is under current and active treatment by a physician licensed to practice medicine and surgery in Kansas."
Becoming a Patient as a Minor:
The process for becoming a patient as a minor in Kansas is the same as that for an adult.
Benefits of Being a Patient:
As a patient you will have an affirmative defense for the possession of cannabis oil containing less than 5% THC so long as you have your doctor's note in your possession.
Out-of-State Patients:
The state of Kansas does not recognize Out-of-State patient registrations. For more information about traveling as a medical cannabis patient, check out our Travel Guide.
Home Cultivation:
Growing cannabis at home is illegal in the state of Kansas.
Medical cannabis patients can find additional resources here
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