Let's talk... join ASA-CCSA
- Message from the CA Director: Let's talk
- State & Local News: National, state, and local news from communities all over California
- Public Meetings & Events: Cable TV, online, and Riverside
- Court Support: Pasadena, Yuba City, and more
- Take Action Now: Join ASA’s New California Discussion List and more
- ASA Website Spotlight: National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference 2015
- Chapter & Affiliate Meetings: San Diego, Sacramento, Nevada County, Yuba County
I want to invite you to join a new email discussion list ASA is launching to help facilitate conversations about medical cannabis issues in California. The ASA California Campaign for Safe Access (ASA-CCSA) mailing list will be a primary contact point for patients, advocates, and others to share ideas and constructive debate on state legislation, local ordinances, initiatives, and court cases.
You can use this low-volume list to talk to patients, industry workers, doctors, advocates, and others who share your passion about medical cannabis. The list is a great way to let others know what you are working on, share your opinions, and get feedback from the community. I will be using the list to get your input on ASA’s state and local campaigns.
You can choose how often you receive emails from the ASA-CCSA email list, or just go online to read all of the messages there. The list will be monitored to remove spam and inappropriate content. And of course, you may unsubscribe with a single click at any time.
Sign up today and let’s talk. I am going to start using the list this afternoon!
California & National News
Medical marijuana users caught in state-federal conflict (National)
Steph Sherer, CNN Opinion
Ten years in prison seems like a life-changing sentence for most people, but for 70-year-old Larry Harvey, it would effectively be a death sentence.The grandfather and several members of his family are facing federal charges for something the state of Washington has considered legal for more than 15 years.
Read more here:
Golden Era of “Commercialized Cannabis” in California (California)
Daniel Nussbaum, Breitbart
It has been nearly 20 years since California passed Proposition 215, the landmark bill that created the nation's first medical marijuana market. Since that time, 22 states and the District of Columbia have joined California in putting medical marijuana laws on the books, and two states, Colorado and Washington, have made marijuana fully legal for "adult" or "recreational" use.
Read more here:
UCLA Study Finds Regulating Marijuana Delivery Services — Not Just Dispensaries — Could Help Address Recreational Use (California)
Sierra Sun-Times
Banning medical marijuana dispensaries or regulating their number and density in a given city may not be sufficient to lower marijuana use if delivery services open in their place, according to UCLA research. The new study, led by UCLA social welfare professor Bridget Freisthler and co-authored by Paul Gruenewald of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, compares self-reported marijuana use by almost 9,000 people in 50 California cities where medical marijuana is available through storefront dispensaries and delivery services. The study’s authors say the results can help lawmakers understand how regulatory practices affect marijuana use across cities.
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Pot public hearing continued (Porterville)
Kelli Ballard, Porterville Recorder
“No matter what you do tonight, you’re going to upset somebody,” Russell Fletcher warned council members at Tuesday’s Porterville City Council meeting, and comments from the public supported his prediction as the council listened to arguments for and against regulating the cultivation of medical marijuana in the city.
Read more here:
California city mandates free medical marijuana for low-income residents (Berkeley)
Fox News
That’s what the Berkeley City Council in California has unanimously approved, ordering medical marijuana dispensaries to donate 2 percent of their stash to patients making less than $32,000 a year. The new welfare program in the liberal-leaning city is set to launch in August 2015.
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Monterey County seniors finding pain relief in medical marijuana (Monterey County)
Dennis Taylor, Monterey Herald
In the middle of the day, as she performs household tasks while listening to her favorite music, an unusual thing happens to Bobbe Meyer, an 86-year-old Monterey Peninsula resident who has struggled for years with acute pain from arthritis.
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Federal lawsuit filed against warrantless seizures (Lake County)
Leah DeAnda, Record Bee
According to attorney Joe Elford, a lawsuit was filed Friday at the U.S. District Court in San Jose against Lake County authorities. Elford said the suit was on behalf of residents who claim they were subject to warrantless searches and unlawful abatement procedures by the Lake County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) in violation of Measure N.
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A Visit to Mendocino’s Marijuana Farmers’ Market (Mendocino County
Emily Hobbelmann, Lost Coast Outpost
Yesterday I went down to Area 101 for the first-ever Healing Harvest Farms medical cannabis farmers’ market. We’re on the verge of September, and it was a warm, breezy, dry day out there. Perfect day to experience some bounty.
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Marijuana Brownies Make Five Schoolgoers In San Francisco Seriously Ill (San Francisco)
Alroy Menezes, International Business Times
Five students from a San Francisco Bay Area high school fell ill after eating marijuana brownies that they bought at their school from another student. Two of the students have reportedly been hospitalized after falling unconscious.
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Judge blocks Los Angeles medical marijuana farmers market (Los Angeles)
The New York Daily News
A judge has blocked a marijuana farmers market in Los Angeles and ordered organizers to shut down their business. A preliminary injunction was issued Friday against operation of the outdoor medical pot market in the Boyle Heights area. It prevents the market from being held pending a trial at a later date.
Read more here:
San Luis Obispo doctor on probation over pot prescriptions (San Luis Obispo)
Karen Velie, Cal Coast News
A San Luis Obispo physician who wrote 30,000 prescriptions for medical marijuana in three years has begun a probated sentence. Dr. Atsuko Rees, subject of an exclusive CalCoastNews story, had her medical license suspended for 45 days and remains under probation.
Read more here:
Public Meetings & Events
Monday, September 8, 2014 – Erin Burnett OutFront on CNN (Cable TV)
4:00 PM PDT on CNN. See a report arranged by ASA on medical cannabis patients caught in the conflict between federal and state laws. See http://outfront.blogs.cnn.com for more about the program. The schedule is subject to change.
Monday, September 8, 2014 - Marijuana Compassion and Common Sense (Online)
6:00 PM at www.blogtalkradio.com/marijuananews Tune in for this weekly live Internet broadcast about cannabis and medical cannabis issues. You can call in to participate.
Saturday, September 13, 2014 – Kick-Off Party for the Yes on Measure J Campaihn (La Mesa)
7:30 PM at Swami's Cafe in La Mesa - 8284 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, California 91942. Bitter Sober, Kingdom of Lights, Fanny, from Fanny and the Atta Boys, Medicinal Michael, Jaeda Reign and The Cannabis Queens, for our kickoff for the campaign for Measure J - to allow and regulate medical marijuana dispensaries in La Mesa! More info: [email protected] or call (858) 598-4215.
Thursday, September 18, 2014 – Live Google Hangout: CA Campaign for Safe Access – 2015 (Online)
7:00 PM at https://plus.google.com/events/ccj9mhhh29s3rs27m2fjmr905bg Logon early to sign in. I will be talking about legislation this year and next year. There will be a Q&A time. You can also watch live on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWZhu8oHIB4
Tuesday, September 23, 2014 – Riverside County Board of Supervisors (Riverside)
Time TBA at 4080 Lemon St, Riverside, CA 92501. Join patients and advocates to tell Supervisors not to ban outdoor medical cannabis cultivation. More details soon.
March 27, 2015 – ASA’s National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference 2015 (Washington, DC)
Join us March 27th – 31stfor the biggest and most important medical cannabis conference yet. Early bird and ASA member discounts are now available. Save money on registration, travel, and lodging by registering now. For more information: http://www.nationalmedicalcannabisunityconference.org
Court Support
What is Court Support and how do I get involved?
Monday, September 8, 2014 – Court Support for Trevor (Pasadena)
9:00 AM at the Northeast District Pasadena Courthouse, 300 E Walnut St, Pasadena, CA 91101. Email [email protected] for information. Dress in a professional manner and obey all courtroom rules to best help the defendant.
Monday, September 8, 2014 – Court Support for Geronomo (Yuba City)
9:00 AM at 446 2nd St, Yuba City, CA 95991. Dress in a professional manner and obey all courtroom rules to best help the defendant.
Find additional listings on The Human Solution Calendar.
Take Action Now
Join ASA’s New California Discussion List – ASA-CCSA (California)
ASA-CCSA is a membership-based email discussion list about local and state medical cannabis legislation, initiatives, referendums, and related litigation in the state of California. Unlike this weekly email, you can respond to messages on ASA-CCSA and share your response with everyone. The purpose of the list is to facilitate dialog and participation by movement and industry stakeholders. Respectful and courteous participation, conversations, and debate are welcome.
Support the Medical Marijuana Organ Transplant Act (California)
A patient in California can be denied a life-saving organ transplant solely based on the fact that he or she uses medical cannabis! Legal patients have died after being removed from the organ transplant list, and others are in jeopardy right now. Americans for Safe Access, the nation's leading medical cannabis patients' advocacy organization, proposes legislation to prevent anyone from being denied a transplant because of medical cannabis. Sign this petition to let lawmakers know you support the Medical Marijuana Organ Transplant Act to provide equal access to health care for legal patients.
Join Americans for Safe Access (ASA)
ASA is the nation’s leading medical cannabis patients’ advocacy organization. The patients, medical professionals, scientists, concerned citizens, and other who comprise ASA are committed to promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research. ASA works in partnership with state, local and national legislators to overcome barriers and create policies that improve access to cannabis for patients and researchers.
ASA Website Spotlight
2015 National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference
We are pleased to announce the 3rd Annual National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference, March 27 - 31st, in Washington, DC at the Loews Madison Hotel. Unity 2015 is your place to gather with other patients, providers, activists, medical and legal professionals from around the country; to learn best practices, exchange ideas and learn how to navigate medical marijuana in this new political landscape.
ASA Chapter & Affiliate Meetings
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 - Nevada County ASA (Grass Valley)
The meeting starts at 6:00 PM at The Banner Grange, 12629 McCourtney Road, Grass Valley, CA 95949. Email [email protected] for more information.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 - San Diego ASA (San Diego)
The meeting starts at 7:00 PM at Kafe Sobaka, 2469 Broadway, San Diego, 92102. Email [email protected] for more information.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 – Sacramento NORML (Sacramento)
Perkos Farm Fresh Café, 925 3rd Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Visit http://sacnorml.org/ for information.
Thursday, September 11, 2014 - Yuba County ASA (Foothills)
The meeting starts at 7:00 PM at the Willow Glen Restaurant. Email [email protected] for more information.
Have something to share?
The “California Weekly Roundup” is a once-a-week email for ASA Members and Friends that focuses on relevant news and important updates, action alerts, meetings and special events. Send items for the California Weekly Roundup to [email protected] before 12:00 PM on Friday to be included in Monday's distribution.
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