Now that public comment has closed, the rescheduling process shifts to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). They can make their final decision anytime based on the additional information they received from public comments, or they may choose to hold an administrative hearing before making their decision on HHS’s recommendation to move cannabis to Schedule III. (Read Americans for Safe Access’ Comments to the DOJ Proposed Ruling)

On Monday, ASA hosted a press briefing: "Healthcare Experts & Cannabis Stakeholders Clear the Smoke on Cannabis Scheduling" to share the views of physicians, pharmacists, researchers, caregivers, veterans, patients, and patient advocates on the critical issue of cannabis rescheduling. For an overview of the Department of Justice's (DOJ) proposed rule to move cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule III, insights on the implications of rescheduling, and the next steps in the rescheduling process, click the image to watch:
There is no time limit for the DEA to respond.
The truth is whether the DEA determines cannabis belongs in Schedule III, II, or I; medical cannabis patients don’t have the luxury to wait and see what happens. This rescheduling process has heightened tensions about the future of federal cannabis policy. Washington, DC is experiencing a resurgence of a visible pro-drug war/anti-cannabis movement, and they seem to have their sights on rolling back medical cannabis protections. Learn more in ASA’s blog: Attacks on Federal Medical Cannabis Reveal Dangers for Patients on Capitol Hill!
Leadership is needed on Capitol Hill to preserve the protections we have won and to ensure medical cannabis is a part of healthcare in the United States and an option for every American! As the August recess approaches, it's crucial to recognize the importance of engaging with candidates and Congress members while they are home and campaigning. With the federal budget set to expire soon, decisions regarding the Department of Justice and the Farm Bill will be imminent. The upcoming 2024 election is a pivotal moment, as every vote will influence the future of medical cannabis. Additionally, the start of the 119th Congress and the inauguration of the 47th President will bring new priorities and leadership that will shape the federal agenda. These milestones are critical opportunities to advocate for medical cannabis and ensure it remains a key focus in national policy.
The clock is ticking for medical cannabis advocates to have an impact for years to come and ASA has a plan to make sure we don’t waste a minute!
- 1 day until August Recess Begins
- 69 days until Federal Budgets Expire
- 103 days until 2024 Election
- 163 days until 119thSession of Congress Begins
- 180 days until Inauguration of the 47thPresident
Ready to Make an Impact?
The Compassionate Candidate Campaign aims to build broader public support for a national medical cannabis program through traditional campaign strategies, communication, and congressional outreach efforts. The goal is to get candidates on the record committing to compassionate cannabis policies, including comprehensive federal legislation that establishes a national medical cannabis program.
Join patients, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and other medical cannabis stakeholders in Washington, DC on September 26 & 27 for The Validated Voices Summit. The first medical cannabis event on Capitol Hill following HHS & DOJ’s confirmation that cannabis has “currently accepted medical use,” will highlight real-world challenges facing medical cannabis patients and the urgent need for changes in federal policy. Event activities will include advocacy workshops and meetings with attendees’ federal representatives.
Recent actions by the House Appropriations Committee have threatened the progress made in medical cannabis policy and patient access, exposing a lack of leadership on medical cannabis policy in DC. The passage of language in the House Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) appropriations bill aims to block rescheduling efforts and reopen the door for federal interference in state medical cannabis programs.
Sign up for updates and opportunities to get involved. Together, we can ensure medical cannabis is integrated into US healthcare and an option for all Americans. Donate today to make sure that we do!