How to Find Employment and Investing Opportunities in the Tennessee Legal Medical Cannabis Regulatory Environment
Please join Safe Access Tennessee, the Tennessee Medical Cannabis Alliance, and ASA's Patient Focused Certification for a public educational event by Jahan Marcu, PhD.
How to Find Employment and Investing Opportunities in the Tennessee Legal Medical Cannabis Regulatory Environment will focus on how regulation will shape Tennessee's medical cannabis industry.
This presentation is intended for anyone interested in working or investing in medical cannabis in Tennessee. With an introduction by Representative Jeremy Fasion, the Co-Chair of Medical Cannabis Task Force, this event will be a unique opportunity to view a future for medical cannabis in Tennessee and preview Dr. Marcu's testimony before the Medical Cannabis Task Force Meeting the next day.
After the presentation on Wednesday, October 25, please stick around for a unique opportunity to help shape Tennessee's medical cannabis policy.
On Thursday, October 26, the Medical Cannabis Task Force will be meeting in Legislative Plaza at 10 am to hold their scheduled meeting. Dr. Marcu will be testifying on regulation before that task force and the meeting will be open to the general public.
Anyone attending the educational event is encouraged to attend the hearing as well. This is a great opportunity to observe the development of medical cannabis regulations in Tennessee.
So spend your Wednesday evening and Thursday morning with ASA, and get the inside scoop on Tennessee's regulatory future.
October 25, 2017 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Legislative Plaza, Room 16
306 6th Ave N
Nashville, TN 37219
United States
Google map and directions
David C. Hairston, CPA · · (615) 545-0405