Support SB 1262 in the California Assembly
UPDATE 08/14/2014 - SB 1262 was held in committee today and will not pass this year. Please help by participating in another action alert!
The California Assembly will soon vote on SB 1262, a bill to regulate doctors who write medical cannabis recommendations and people and businesses that commercially cultivate, process, test, and sell it. Research conducted by Americans for Safe Access (ASA) and our experience of almost twelve years of regulation at the city and county level show that regulations preserve safe, legal, and dignified access to medicine for patients; while reducing crime and complaints in neighborhoods. That is a win-win situation for most Californians.
Send an email to your California Assembly Member today asking him or her to vote yes on SB 1262.
No bill is perfect. SB 1262 includes compromises by law enforcement, local governments, legal patients, and industry workers. On the whole, however, the bill helps to protect public safety and to preserve (and possibly expand) access to medicine for patients.
- SB 1262 preserves the right of patients and caregivers to grown their own medicine without obtaining a license or being regulated by the state.
- SB 1262 keeps patients’ personal data strictly confidential.
- SB 1262 establishes product safety standards like those already in place for other products and medicines.
- SB 1262 requires routine safety and loss-prevention measures for medical cannabis businesses.
- SB 1262 protects business owners, workers, and landlords from prosecution.
- SB 1262 may encourage cities and counties that are ambivalent about medical cannabis to regulate commercial activity, instead of ban it.
Send an email to your California Assembly Member today asking him or her to vote yes on SB 1262.
You can read the text of SB 1262 here.
You can also read some important background information about the benefits of regulation for patients, how SB 1262 affect patients, and the important amendments ASA help secure in these links:
Regulations Are Good for Patients
So, What’s the Deal with SB 1262?
SB 1262 and California Patients
ASA Citizen Lobby Day Makes a Difference
Report: Medical Cannabis Dispensing Collectives and Local Regulation
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