New Yorkers, it's time to talk to your doctor about medical cannabis education
Talking to your doctor is one of the most important parts of good health care. We know your health care is very important to you. Which is why we want to encourage you to talk to your physician about medical cannabis therapeutics and education.
Whether you are already a patient or looking to find more information about medical cannabis as a treatment option, it is imperative your physicians have all the information they need before making decisions regarding your care. While your physician has spent countless hours obtaining education, medical schools and residency programs do not offer education in the area of medical marijuana, and there are few unbiased quality educational resources on this topic.
You depend on your physician to direct you towards treatments and therapies that will be of benefit, and away from those that may cause you harm. Ask your physician to obtain comprehensive education by enrolling in the New York State Practitioner Education Medical Use of Marijuana Course offered by TheAnswerPage.
Physicians seeking to register with the NYSDOH to certify patients for medical marijuana must complete this course. Pharmacists working in dispensing facilities must take the four-hour course before they may counsel, or supervise another employee who may counsel, certified patients and designated caregivers on the use, administration, and risks associated with approved medical marijuana products.
The course provides 4.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits™ towards licensure and accreditation requirements, and the topics include:
- The Endocannabinoid System and Phytocannabinoids
- The Administration and Dosing of Cannabis Products
- Physiological Effects and Adverse Effects of Cannabis
The population of medical cannabis patients is growing and your physician needs to know how cannabis affects your health and interacts with you your current and future medical regimes. Encourage your physician to enroll today, by sending this pre-written letter. Click here to download the letter.Your healthcare is of the utmost importance. Talk with your physician today.
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