Colorado Cannabis Laboratory Achieves National Certification
Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is pleased to announce that PhytaTech Laboratory of Denver, CO has been certified for laboratory analysis of cannabis products under ASA’s dual Patient Focused Certification (PFC)/ISO 17025 laboratory accreditation program that is done through the American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). PFC is a project of ASA, and the only nonprofit third-party certification program for the cannabis industry based on quality standards issued by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) and the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP). ISO 17025 is an internationally recognized laboratory standard for Testing and Calibration Laboratories, and is a required standard for many cannabis testing labs.
The AHP Cannabis Monograph and the AHPA cannabis guidelines offer the most comprehensive regulatory and product safety guidance as well as Best Business Practices for the production of cannabis and cannabis products. Since the release of AHPA’s guidelines in 2012 and the Cannabis Monograph in 2013, components of these guidance documents have been included in several states’ regulations. Recently, ASA renewed the joint collaboration project with the American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) to expand the PFC program by continuing to offer the dual accreditation program based on the requirements of both ISO/IEC 17025 and the PFC program.
“This achievement demonstrates PhytaTech’s commitment to cannabis safety for patients and consumers,'' said Heather Despres, PFC Program Director. “PhytaTech continues to adhere to the rigorous standards set forth by both the PFC program and the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division.”
“PhytaTech (doing business as Kaycha Labs Colorado) is committed to serving our clients with the highest standards throughout each step of the testing process and we are very pleased to have expanded our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation to include dual PFC/ISO 17025 accreditation to the 2017 standards.” said Stephen Goldman, Laboratory Director. “We continue to open our doors to achieve every third-party certification program available to us, maintaining our reputation as one of the most audited and accredited laboratory network in the world."
PhytaTech joins a growing list of PFC certified cannabis businesses since the program was officially launched in 2015, and becomes the second laboratory to achieve this dual certification.
For more information: Patient Focused Certification
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