Your Weekly Source for Medical Cannabis News & Information
There are only 7 days left until the California Citizen Lobby Day. Get registered today so that we can make appointments for you at you Assembly and Senate offices!Get all the news, events, action alerts, & more... |

PUBLIC MEETINGS & EVENTSMay 17, 2016 - Stephen Munkelt Talks About Medical Cannabis and Measure W (Grass Valley) 5:00 PM potluck, 6:00 PM speaker at the Golden Empire Grange, 11283 Grange Ct, Grass Valley, CA 95945. Stephen Munkelt will delivered his talk on the legal landscape for this coming grow season. Come early at 5:00pm for a potluck. Please bring a dish for six. We will supply the plates, utensils, cups and drinks. Let's break bread in solidarity of our opposition to Measure W! May 21-22, 2016 - Cannabis Entrepreneur Summit (Online) Live-streamed to a global audience in real time for FREE, Green Flower’s Virtual Cannabis Entrepreneur Summit features the world’s top cannabis entrepreneurs, investors, and thought leaders who will deliver ultra-compelling talks designed to help you start, grow, or scale your cannabis business today. Join ASA California Director Don Duncan and medical cannabis industry experts for this free online forum. Get all the details online. May 23, 2016 –ASA’s California Citizen Lobby Day 2016 (Sacramento) 8:00 AM Registration and Breakfast, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Lobby Day at the Hyatt Regency, 1209 L St, Sacramento, CA 95814. Join us for the state’s largest medical cannabis lobby day. Special guest speakers, training, briefing materials, and more. ASA will make appointments for you to meet with your state lawmakers when you register. $40 requested donation. No one turned away for lack of funds. Click here to get more information and register today. May 23, 2016 – ASA’s California Citizen Lobby Day VIP Reception (Sacramento) 7:00 PM at the Hyatt Regency, 1209 L St, Sacramento, CA 95814. Network and celebrate with elected officials, lobby day participants, and special guests. Complimentary hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar. $20 suggested donation, free for lobby day participants. Click here to get more information. |
TAKE ACTION NOWOppose AB 2740 in CA (California) A new bill in the California Assembly will make criminal out of legal medical cannabis patients. AB 2740 (Low) will "make it an offense for a person who has 5 ng/ml or more of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle." A nanogram (ng) is one billionth of a gram, making the legal limit for driving with THC in your blood absurdly low. This standard is not based on any science. There is no reason to believe that drivers with this arbitrarily low limit of THC in their blood are impaired in any way. Legal medical cannabis patients who use medicine on a regular basis will always have 5 ng/ml in their blood. This bill makes law-abiding medical cannabis patients into criminals - but does nothing to improve public safety. Oppose SB 987 in CA (California) California Senator Mike McGuire (D-Healdsburg) has introduced SB 987, a bill that will assess an additional 15% excise tax on medical cannabis in the state. The new tax will be in addition to the ordinary state sales tax and any local tax patients already pay for their doctor-recommend medicine. SB 987 imposes an unnecessary and unfair burden on medical cannabis patients. Sign this petition to tell lawmakers not to impose additional taxes on legal medical cannabis in California right now. |
COURT SUPPORTWhat is Court Support and how do I get involved? May 16, 2016 - Court Support for Rick Gromell and Laprill O'Brien (Los Angeles) 8:30 AM at 400 Civic Center Plaza, Pomona, CA 91766. Jury trial. Dress in an appropriate manner and obey all courtroom rules to best help the defendants. May 17, 2016 - Court Support for Fred Delmer (Placerville) 8:30 AM at 495 Main St, Placerville, CA 95667. Jury trial, continues all week. Dress in an appropriate manner and obey all courtroom rules to best help the defendant. Find more information and additional listings on The Human Solution Calendar: |
ASA WEBSITE SPOTLIGHTCalifornia Citizen Lobby Day 2016 Join Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the nation’s leading medical cannabis patients’ advocacy organization, for our annual California Citizen Lobby Day on Monday, May 23, in Sacramento. You will be part of the state's largest medical cannabis lobby day - with more than 300 patients, advocates, providers, industry works, and other stakeholders. This is your chance to talk face-to-face with lawmakers and regulators about patients' rights, taxation, and commercial regulation. Special guest speakers include: Lori Ajax, Chief of the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation; An-Chi Tsou, Senior Policy Advisor at the Bureau of Medical Marijuana Regulation; Steph Sherer, Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access; Don Duncan, California Director of Americans for Safe Access. This Google Hangout was recorded live on May 9, 2016. California lawmakers want to tax medical cannabis use and cultivation, but is that what is best for patients and the industry? What can you do to make sure lawmakers treat cannabis like real medicine? |

May 22, 2016 - Nevada County ASA (North San Juan)
The meeting starts at 2:00 PM at the North San Juan Senior Center, 29190 State Hwy 49, North San Juan, CA 95960. Email [email protected] for more information.
See all California ASA Chapter Meetings here:
Have something to share?The “California Weekly Roundup” is a once-a-week email for ASA Members and Friends that focuses on relevant news and important updates, action alerts, meetings and special events. Send items for the California Weekly Roundup to [email protected] before 12:00 PM on Friday to be included in Monday's distribution.
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