I want to invite you to join a new email discussion list ASA is launching to help facilitate conversations about medical cannabis issues in California. The ASA California Campaign for Safe Access (ASA-CCSA) mailing list will be a primary contact point for patients, advocates, and others to share ideas and constructive debate on state legislation, local ordinances, initiatives, and court cases.
Click this Link to Join Our Mailing List:
Why Join?
You can use this low-volume list to talk to patients, industry workers, doctors, advocates, and others who share your passion about medical cannabis. The list is a great way to let others know what you are working on, share your opinions, and get feedback from the community. I will be using the list to get your input on ASA’s state and local campaigns.
You can choose how often you receive emails from the ASA-CCSA email list, or just go online to read all of the messages there. The list will be monitored to remove spam and inappropriate content. And of course, you may unsubscribe with a single click at any time.
Can you help promote the list? You can download a 2-sided 3x5 inch flyer and have it printed for distribution at you cooperative, collective, doctor's office, or other appropriate location. Download side 1 here and side 2 here. Sign up today and let’s talk!
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