Medical cannabis news, events, and more from all over the state
The California Weekly Roundup, a project of the California Campaign for Safe Access (CCSA), is your way to stay connected to on the latest events and news on medical cannabis in California. CCSA is Americans for Safe Access’ oldest state campaign. There are more legal patients, providers, and recommending physicians in California than any other state. More than 1.4 million patients have safe, reliable, and dignified access to medicine in the state, but significant challenges remain. Click on the links on below or scroll through the entire email to learn more about what is happening in California and how you can participate.
- News
- Events
- Take Action Now (NEW ACTION ALERT!)
- Court Support
- ASA Website Spotlight
- Chapter & Affiliate Meetings

PUBLIC MEETINGS & EVENTSJanuary 19, 2016 - Joint Hearing of the Assembly Business and Professions, Agriculture, and Health Committees (Sacramento) January 19, 2016 – Brea City Council Meeting (Brea) January 19, 2016 – Santa Rosa City Council Meeting (Santa Rosa) January 19, 2016 - CCIA and Cal Heritage Roundtable Discussion, Lunch and Benefit Concert (Sacramento) January 20, 2016 – Senate Health Committee Hearing on AB 21 (Sacramento) January 23, 2016 – Conference: Cannabis for Autism (Rancho Cucamonga) January 27, 2016 - Protecting Access in Your Community: California Local Access Project (Online) March 18-22, 2016 – National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference (Washington, DC)
TAKE ACTION NOWSupport AB 26 in California: Training for the Medical Cannabis Industry |
COURT SUPPORTWhat is Court Support and how do I get involved? January 21, 2016 – Court Support for Alex Lyons (Oroville) --- |

January 19, 2016 - Nevada County ASA (Grass Valley)
6:00-8:00 PM at Golden Empire Grange, 11283 Grange Ct, Grass Valley, CA 95945. Email [email protected] for more information.
See all California ASA Chapter Meetings here:
Have something to share?The “California Weekly Roundup” is a once-a-week email for ASA Members and Friends that focuses on relevant news and important updates, action alerts, meetings and special events. Send items for the California Weekly Roundup to [email protected] before 12:00 PM on Friday to be included in Monday's distribution. |
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