Here are next steps:

Use the below script to call Secretary Fudge and leave her a message letting her know she can save lives right now by banning evictions for patients using medical cannabis in federally funded housing. You may get an answering machine, but you can leave a message.

Then, click the buttons below to share this call to action with your social networks!

Office of the Secretary: Hi and thank you for calling HUD’s office of the Secretary. How may I help you/direct your call?

Advocate: Hi. I am calling to leave a message for the Acting Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Office of the Secretary: Ok hold please. (Office staff will direct transfer your call to the Secretary’s voicemail line where you can begin leaving your message)


  • Congratulations on joining the Biden-Harris Administration as Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. My name is (say your name) and I am calling you today to ask for your help in allowing patients living in federally subsidized housing who rely on medical cannabis for treatment to be allowed to be awarded and to maintain their HUD vouchers.
  • Today there are patients living in one of the 36 states where medical cannabis is legal who need medical cannabis for treatment and federal support for housing.
  • This population includes seniors, veterans, people with disabilities and families, all of whom are at risk of losing their HUD vouchers for simply participating in a state sponsored health program necessary for treatment.
  • These patients follow state laws regarding use and storage, and are consulting with their doctors on appropriate use of cannabis for treatment.
  • Patients using cannabis for treatment and living in federally subsidized housing face the daily challenge of choosing between using the medicine they need to treat their health condition or having a roof over their heads.
  • In your new role as Secretary, patients like me need your help in changing HUD’s current policy that allows public housing authorities to deny admission to cannabis patients and evict cannabis patient tenants by issuing new guidance that will allow registered cannabis patients to secure and maintain federal housing support.
  • Thank you for your consideration of this critically important request.

The Honorable
Marcia Fudge


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

+1 (202) 708-4017