Meet with Congress about Opioids & CARERS Act
Congress is on summer break and now is the perfect time for you to arrange meetings in your district offices. With four simple steps you can help educate and inform legislators of the growing need for an alternate treatment for the millions of patients suffering from pain every day.
Here’s how you can help:
Step 1: Send the pre-written email to request an appointment with your members of Congress
Step 2: Print out and bring ASA’s latest report, Medical Cannabis Access for Pain Treatment: A Viable Strategy to Address the Opioid Crisis, with you.
Step 3: Print out and take with you, a copy of the CARERS Act Fact Sheet.
Step 4: Meet with your Members of Congress in your home district on the importance of medical marijuana as an alternate treatment and importance of the CARERS Act
Use the take action button below to customize and send the pre-written email.
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