SAN DIEGO -- Medical marijuana advocates will be demonstrating today at 12 noon to rally together speakers to testify at the San Diego Board of Supervisors meeting at 2 pm. They will be exhorting the Supervisors to drop their plans to sue the state in their effort to overturn California's medical marijuana law.
Steph Sherer, director of Americans for Safe Access, the advocacy group organizing the effort, said, 'State Attorney General Lockyer has already issued several statements that California's medical marijuana remains intact despite federal law. Even though the Supervisors' threatened lawsuit has very little chance of success, they are wasting our tax dollars to fight their ideological battles.'
In an Evans-McDonough poll of San Diego county residents released yesterday by Marijuana Policy Project, sixty-two percent of respondents said they'd vote to replace their supervisors if they knew they supported overturning the medical marijuana law.
Who: Medical marijuana patients and advocates
What: Rally to precede public comment period at San Diego Board of Supervisors' meeting
When: Rally is at 12 to 1:30 pm; Board of Supervisors meeting is at 2 pm.
Where: San Diego County Administration Center, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego
Why: Advocates will be asking Supervisors to revoke their plans to overturn the Compassionate Use Act.
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