This week, the Maryland legislature will be holding hearings on the medical cannabis bills introduced this session. Lucky for patients this year, almost all of the bills being heard are ones that ASA supports strongly.
If you can, please try and come testify Tuesday and Wednesday in Annapolis in favor of these bills. Unfortunately, written testimony can only be submitted in person, but if you want to submit written testimony and can’t make the hearings, please submit them to [email protected] and we’ll make sure they get delivered to the right people.
Hearing Procedures: Public bill hearings begin at 1:00 PM. Anyone wishing to testify on any bill must sign us using one of the electronic screens outside of the committee’s hearing room. Sign up will start at 4:00 PM the day before the bill hearing and no later than 12:30 PM on the day of the hearing.
Testimony: Oral testimony will be limited to 3 minutes. People wishing to testify are encouraged to testify in panels. If you have written testimony, please submit 35 copies to the committee staff by 12:00 noon prior to the hearing. Written testimony should have your name and contact information on the top, along with the bill number and the position you take on it- “SUPPORT”. Late testimony will be distributed after the bill hearing. Note: The Chairman will announce the bill order at the start of the hearing.
Medical Cannabis bills being heard this week in Annapolis
Room 240, House Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401-1991
Number: HB 490
Sponsor: Del. Dan Morhaim (DEM-MD)
Abstract: Altering the purpose of the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Marijuana Commission; increasing and altering the membership of the Commission; requiring an application submitted by an academic medical center to include documentation that the center will operate according to the academic medical center's standard operating procedures, including procedures related to patient care, provider education and training, diversion, confidentiality, data collection, safety, and security; etc.
ASA’s Position: Support
Notes: This adds another patient representative to the Commission, prevents Commission from limiting treatment of a particular condition to one class of physicians.
Number: HB 601
Sponsor: Del. Karen Young (DEM-MD)
Abstract: Providing that a written certification may include a specified statement from a certifying physician related to a 30-day supply of medical marijuana; providing that a qualifying patient in possession of an amount of medical marijuana that is greater than a 30-day supply may not be subject to arrest, prosecution, specified penalties, specified discipline, or be denied any right or privilege under specified circumstances; etc.
ASA’s Position: Support
Notes: Allows patients who require more than the determined 30-day supply of medicine to obtain an exemption to possess more as determined by their physician.
Number: HB 1068
Sponsor: Del. Karen Young (DEM-MD)
Abstract: Requiring the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Marijuana Commission to issue, in a specified manner, a specified confirmation of registration to a nonresident cardholder within a specified time period under specified circumstances; requiring the Commission to adopt specified regulations; providing that a nonresident cardholder may obtain medical marijuana only from specified growers and dispensaries; etc.
ASA’s Position: Support
Notes: This bill would allow medical cannabis patients from other states to obtain medicine through the Maryland program.
2 East, Miller Senate Building, Annapolis, MD 21401
Number: SB 456
Sponsor: Sen. Robert Zirkin (DEM-MD)
Abstract: Requiring a court to dismiss a specified possession of marijuana charge if the court finds that the person used or possessed marijuana because of medical necessity; requiring a court to dismiss a specified possession of drug paraphernalia charge related to marijuana if the court finds that the person possessed the drug paraphernalia related to marijuana because of medical necessity; etc.
ASA’s Position: Support
Notes: Strengthens the affirmative defense for medical users and extends the protection to medical-use paraphernalia.
*If you have any questions about these bills, please submit them to [email protected]