ASA's report points the way towards a more rational global approach to medical cannabis

International coalition handing off the UNGASS report ASA’s 4th Annual National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference ended on Tuesday in Washington, DC, and we have already seen results in the national and international arena. We are going to make 2016 a historic year for medical cannabis, and we need your help to do it.

One of the most exciting parts of the conference was the preparation of a report for the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). Conference participants peer-reviewed the report on Sunday, and ASA submitted the 91-page report to CND on Monday morning. The report answers important scientific questions about medical cannabis, and outlines a pathway towards international reform.

Pictured: ASA Executive Director Steph Sherer and an international delegation from France, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and Jamaica delivering the report in Washington, DC.

This matters for patients and researchers in the United States and elsewhere, because the UN Single Convention Treaty on Narcotics of 1961 is an obstacle for medical cannabis reforms worldwide. We are proud of the work ASA members and friends did on the report, and we want to make a special offer to those who help us make things like this happen.

Make a $100 or more donation to ASA before April 1st, and we will send you a bound, full-color copy of Cannabis and Cannabis Resin: A Critical Review Preparation Document, with citations for more than 300 scientific studies about medical cannabis.

Handing off the reportASA’s report will be a part of a historic United Nations General Assembly Special Session on global drug policy convening on April 19th in New York. Our report is the first comprehensive report on medical cannabis received by that body since 1935!

Pictured: US Air Force Veteran and Executive Director of Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access delivers the report to the UN CND on Monday, March 14, 2016.

You will not find a resource like this anywhere else in the world. This is a great chance to help ASA keep fighting for safe and legal access, and to own a piece of medical cannabis history. Don’t wait. Donate today. You can donate online or mail your tax-deductible donation to ASA Foundation at 1624 U Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20009.

More Progress on the CARERS Act

We are closer than ever to reforming federal medical cannabis law to allow for safe and dignified access for patients, expanded clinical research, rescheduling of cannabis, and much more. US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who sits on the influential Senate Judiciary Committee, signed on as a co-sponsor to the historic Compassionate Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States (CARERS) Act (S.683 and H.R.1583) last week. Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) signed on as the bill’s 31st co-sponsor after 300 conference attendees visited Congressional offices on Tuesday. ASA will build on this momentum to gets the CARERS Act passed this year!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the conference and lobby day and to everyone who helps ASA keep pushing for national and international reform. Your support is making things happen!