It’s Time for Comprehensive Federal Medical Cannabis! Let’s Keep the Momentum Going!

It’s Time for Comprehensive Federal Medical Cannabis! Let’s Keep the Momentum Going!

I am sure that you have heard the news by now that on December 2, 2022, President Biden signed the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Act  into law.​​ You probably are having mixed feelings about this bill. On one hand it has been a long time since we have heard anything about medical cannabis on Capitol Hill on the other hand, as patient advocates we know that so much more is needed.

We want lawmakers to know: this bill is just the beginning - it is not the finish line. But they have to hear that from YOU: in their in boxes, their social media feeds, and in their local papers!

We can do this!

Congress is setting their agenda for next year and without hearing from their constituents, will likely think that passing the research bill will take the need for any further action regarding medical cannabis off their plate. We have to make sure that they understand that their work on this issue is not done and that patients require much more from them. They need to hear a choir of voices across the U.S. demanding comprehensive federal medical cannabis legislation NOW!

How can you help?

  1. Reach out to your elected officials today!
  2. Spread the word! Send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper!
  3. Sign the Petition to Congress!
  4. Become an ASA member!
  5. Support our work with a donation!
  6. Share this action on social media using the buttons below!