Cannabis Proposed to Stop Severe Seizures in Children
By Jhayla Tyson The Liberty Voice
Scientists regularly study marijuana, also known as cannabis, and have proposed that cannabis stops severe seizures in children. Scientists are currently working on multiple strands of marijuana rich in cannabidiol (CBD) and low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Research on children with epilepsy, who endured severe seizures several times daily, has been presently focused on the correlation between seizures and the use of cannabis.
CBD is the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis that contains the medicinal compounds of marijuana without the intensity of THC, which is the psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces a euphoric feeling. The treatments currently available provide minimal relief if any. These treatments include anti-epileptic drugs, a series of brain surgeries, and an implanted electrical stimulation device. What is worse than watching children suffer? Not being able to help at all, but there is hope.
Scientific analytical documentation provided by the Dravet Foundation suggested that Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infancy (Dravet Syndrome), in its tenuity is commonly detected in early stages of infancy. This leads to the belief that as the child continues to develop, the progression of the disease causes seizures to last for longer periods of time.
Recent studies show that scientist believe that cannabis significantly stops severe seizures in children, due to the dulling affects the drug has on all the excessive electrical and chemical activities in the brain which contribute to the outbreak of seizures. It is a continuous challenge for scientists to pinpoint the long-term factorization of cannabis use among children. Current studies available are targeted towards adult smokers, which can not be compared to children who do not smoke to ingest the drug.
Numerous studies suggest that marijuana has been tested and proven to have various medicinal purposes. A common trait of the drug consists of the reduction of nausea and vomiting and combats cancer and tumor cells. It also has the ability to treat various disorders such as seizures, psychosis, inflammation, neurodegenerative, anxiety and depression.
Americans for Safe Access Foundation (ASAF) ensures safe and legal access to cannabis in states where the drug is legally permitted. According to documentation provided by Safe Access Now, cannabis in its totality can be consumed in several diverse forms such as: dried and budded, an extracted oil or infused in various food products. Scientists believe that strands of marijuana high in CBD cause the least amount of side effects in children.
The following states have instated laws to legalize some form of medicinal marijuana:
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- DC
- Delaware
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- Rhode Island
- Washington
The downfall in the scientific research correlates with the length of time the study is conducted and how the population samples were utilized. Scientists can not stress enough about the importance of long-term studies. Due to the lack of long-term studies, it is difficult for many states in the United States to pass laws regarding medicinal marijuana. Never the less, there are strands of marijuana with low THC levels that have extremely high levels of CBD which has been scientifically proven to have medicinal purposes. A CBD infused oil is available in select states.
By Jhayla D. Tyson
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology: Garcia, C. et. al (2013). Cannabidiol for Neurodegenertive Disorders: Important New Clinical applications for this Phytocannabinoid?
CNN: Marijuana Stops Child’s Severe Seizures
Dravet Foundation: What is Dravet Syndrome?
Leaf Science: 5 Must-Know Facts About Cannabidiol (CBD)
Safe Access Now: Guide to Using Medical Cannabis
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