Here are next steps:

Use the below script to call Acting Director McGettigan and leave her a message letting her know to protect medical cannabis patient jobs by prohibiting drug testing for federal employees and contractors for cannabis.

Then, click the buttons below to share this call to action with your social networks!

Office of the Director: Hi and thank you for calling OMP’s Office of the Director. How may I help you/direct your call?

Advocate: Hi. I am calling to leave a message for the Director of OPM.

Office of the Director: Ok hold please. (Office staff will direct transfer your call to the Director’s voicemail line where you can begin leaving your message)

Your Message: 

  • My name is (say your name)and I am calling you today to ask for your help with extending authorization for federal employees to use medical cannabis to treat their health condition.
  • Many of these employees are living in one of 36 states where medical cannabis is legal, and are seniors, veterans, and people with illnesses and disabilities utilizing cannabis to treat their health condition.
  • Many federal employees or contractors face the daily challenge of choosing between using the medicine they need to treat their health condition or earning a paycheck they need to make a living or take care of their families.
  • These are patients utilizing cannabis to treat a wide range of conditions from anxiety and chronic pain to neurological disorders and cancer, who require the same ability to treat their health conditions as patients who rely on FDA-approved prescription or over-the-counter medication.
  • In your new role as Secretary, patients who are also federal employees or contractors need your help in changing OPM’s current policy by issuing new guidance that will allow those in the federal workforce to maintain employment and use cannabis for treatment.
  • Thank you for your consideration of this critically important request.

The Honorable
Kathleen McGettigan

Acting Director

U.S. Office of Personnel Management

+1 (202) 606-1000