What’s YOUR New Year’s resolution?
‘Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions!
We have had an amazing year and we are closer than ever to meeting our national goals. But we still have a lot to do!
As 2014 draws near, it is a good time to look ahead and determine what YOU want to accomplish in the coming year. At Americans for Safe Access (ASA), one of our New Year’s resolutions is to finally end the federal war on legal medical cannabis patients. In order to accomplish this, we will need to have a committed, informed and resourced field.
Here are three things you can do today to start 2014 on the right track:
1. Support Americans for Safe Access
Your support matters. With your help, we have been able create a vision for what safe access should look like, and the legal framework to support that vision. But our work is not over yet. In 2014, we expect to continue our work, as ten new states will try to pass legislation and we keep fighting to protect and expand patients’ rights. This is why we need YOUR support. Your donations go to ensure that ASA can continue the fight for safe and legal access and that patient voices are heard at the table. You can help shape the future of medical cannabis in your city, state, and country by donating today! Make a donation before January 2, 2014 and you will be eligible to receive our special holiday promotions.
2. Expand Your Knowledge
This new year, register for the ASA-CTI Core Cannabis Training to expand your knowledge on the world of cannabis. Presented using rich media and interactive slides, you will learn about the history, science and business of medical cannabis. Once completed you can use your PFC certification to work in the industry. Such trainings are already mandatory in some states like Massachusetts, Nevada, Connecticut, Arizona, and in the District of Columbia. Don’t miss your chance to start the new year off right. Register TODAY!
3. Attend the National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference
Last year, we had over 300 participants from around the country come together to advocate for safe access on Capitol Hill. And next year, we are doing it again! Join us and our allies, April 5-7th, 2014, for our 2nd Annual National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference in Washington, DC. In 2014, we will fight even harder for safe access and show the Obama Administration and Congress our strength in unity. This your chance to have your voice heard like never before. During the holiday season we are offering a special promotion. For the first 50 of our members that book hotel rooms at the mayflower, April 4-6 2014, registration will be waived! The offer is only good through January 2nd and only for ASA members! Register TODAY.
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