Good is Not a Number Webinar
Innovation in Extraction Analytics to Develop Better Products and Save Thousands of Dollar
Hosted by Jahan Marcu, Ph.D. this webinar will feature a presentation by John A. MacKay on cannabis extraction analytics. After the presentation there will be a question and answer segment for webinar participants. The cost to register and participate is $35 and includes a free year of membership with Americans for Safe Access.
The purpose of another presentation on extraction of cannabis oil is to review the current trends in the world. The technology for the extraction of potential the active ingredients from botanical sources it’s not a new science for most attendees of this webinar. The basic principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics and applied engineering are not new either.
Many scientists have been using disparate solubility of compounds before there was cannabis market. So why attend a presentation on extraction techniques for cannabis plants? Why bother to listen to the first few sentences?
John A. MacKay earned a B.A. in Chemistry from St. Lawrence University, and Ph.D. from the University of Vermont in chemistry focused on the synthesis for cancer fighting compounds. After positions teaching at Davidson College, Lyndon State College and University of Vermont (UVM), John joined Waters Corporation in 1983. His career has included many roles in innovative product development and currently leads the Strategic Technology team. He is widely recognized as scientific expert in sub and supercritical fluid for extraction and chromatography in the botanical space.
October 19, 2017 at 7:00pm - 8pm