Rove Provides A Million Reasons to Reject Cooley
The group's chairman is Ed Gillespie, who was counselor to President George W. Bush. Gillespie and Bush's chief political strategist, Karl Rove, helped create American Crossroads, which is spending millions to help Republicans take control of the House and Senate.You remember these guys; Karl Rove, Ed Gillespie and President George W. Bush! They were responsible for unleashing an unprecedented level of federal enforcement and prosecutions against individuals who were using or providing medical marijuana in strict compliance with state law. Now they want to help elect Steve Cooley to California's top law enforcement spot! California is leading the nation in adopting some of the coolest laws in the nation, like safe access to medical marijuana. But Steve Cooley wants to stop all that progress. Tell your friends and family in California to vote NOT COOLEY on Nov 2.
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