2020 Year End Policy Review
Join this webinar and wrap-up the policy developments of 2020 and the political situation of medical cannabis going forward into 2021. Featuring Debbie Churgai, Dustin McDonald and Andrew Coon this webinar will give you our analysis and provide an opportunity for your feedback on the year in medical cannabis.
The webinar will provide an overview of:
- Highlights from some of ASA’s biggest accomplishments in 2020.
- 2020 General Election Turnout and what this means for cannabis patients.
- 2020 Ballot measures and their potential impact on states medical cannabis programs.
- Expectations of the Biden-Harris administration and where we can make an impact on their policy agenda.
- Changes in the House and Senate and their impact on cannabis bills in 2021.
- A preview of ASA’s upcoming advocacy priorities and how you can get involved.
Click here for free access to this online webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87246395522?pwd=dGx2dlF4aWNGc1I3K2JtUUhIWTBmUT09
December 16, 2020 at 3:00pm - 4pm
Zoom Webinar