Excerpted from ASA's 2022 State of the States Report.
In 2023, ASA recommends that South Carolina policymakers remove arbitrary caps on THC levels in authorized cannabis products to allow for more effective treatment. Legislators should also seek to cover patients with diverse conditions and needs, and allow physicians to recommend cannabis for
any condition they think necessary.
ASA also encourages policymakers to immediately implement statutory protections for patients related to housing, employment, education, and custody
hearings. Finally, authorizing a licensing system to support cultivation and sale of in-state medical cannabis and medical cannabis products to patients is a basic requirement for medical cannabis access.
South Carolina policymakers should avoid delaying implementation of a medical cannabis program; patients in the state are actively harmed by the state’s inaction. Legislators should introduce comprehensive medical cannabis legislation based on ASA’s State Medical Cannabis Program Model Legislation.
Tell your state representatives patients still need their help! Take action today!
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