2020 Lobby Day From Home

Important Update

As of March 5 we made the decision to change our conference into an online-only event based on concern for the safety of our attendees during the ongoing Coronavirus. So if you would like to join us for a day of panels and discussions on March 27 please head to asaunity.org.

This means that now all our Lobby Day participants will now be doing a Lobby Day From Home. Without physically being present we really need to share our voices in numbers. So please RSVP to receive a notification on March 30. We want to bombard the House and Senate with messages from medical cannabis patients.

We will be asking for lawmakers to support the MORE Act and to further sign-on to our new proposed legislation to resolve the state-federal conflict by creating a federal Office of Medical Cannabis Control.

Help us fight for safe access from your own home!


March 30, 2020 at 10:00am - 11am

Will you come?

2020-03-30 10:00:00 -0400 Google Office 365 Outlook

Important Update

As of March 5 we made the decision to change our conference into an online-only event based on concern...

Important Update

As of March 5 we made the decision to change our conference into an online-only event based on concern...