Compassionate Idaho is Now a Chapter of ASA
We have Exciting news to share!! Compassionate Idaho is now a chapter of Americans For Safe Access (ASA)! This is exciting for us for a number of reasons but it is an honor to be a chapter of such a renowned organization. ASA has worked at the Federal and State Levels for Years and is Very active in helping protect patients from arrest, prosecution, and forfeiture. They Demand Safe Access for Patients Now! They have even sued our Federal Government to try to reschedule cannabis to a lower level to recognize it's medical value. They take the 'legalization for recreation' out of the debate and focus on the patients and their needs. Currently there is a 'Peace For Patients Campaign' running. Clearly this is a Great fit for Compassionate Idaho and we couldn't be happier about it!
This means a lot to us on many levels. We will have more resources in general. They can help us with fundraisers and campaigns. They can help with training our activists to be Extremely efficient with their tools. They provide access to doctors that are experts in their fields and have vast knowledge for cannabis and the human body. Their 'About' page says it best.
"Founded ASA in 2002, Americans for Safe Access is the largest organization of Patients, medical professionals, scientists, and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis. We engage a multifaceted strategy public education, impact litigation, grassroots development and advocacy, media campaigns, and direct support services.
Until there is safe access, We are Americans for Safe Access."
Whenever someone joins ASA and joins the Compassionate Idaho Chapter we will benefit and so will ASA, and we believe that the Idaho Chapter will be the biggest Chapter for any organization for medical marijuana reform in the state! We will have access and support to educational sources and all of their vast resources. They, in turn, will have a new Chapter in a new State, that is Completely in support of what they do and grateful to have them! We hope that we can help build their network while we expand and educate, and of course, run the petition. By joining ASA you are supporting reform at both the state And Federal Levels. There are several campaigns currently running and we encourage going to their website and learn more about them at:
Joining Americans for Safe Access gives us something that has been a LONG time coming! We will now fall under their 501c4!! We can officially say that we are a Non-profit! And so can you when you hit our 'Donate' button! We have operated as a non-profit for a long time and have had our records in order the entire time to prepare for this. The time is here!! So, Please hit the Donate Button!
We have a new 9 Person Board for our Steering Committee with myself, Lindsey Rinehart voted in as Chair, Josh Rinehart voted in as Vice Chair, Sarah Caldwell voted in as Treasurer, James Richardson voted in as Secretary, Lauren Leonard voted in as Vice Secretary, Bill Esbensen as vote in as Outreach, April Brown voted in as Event Coordinator, Jared Dunn voted in as Education Outreach, and Coty Ternes voted in as Technology Specialist. We already have several 'Founding Chapter Members' who helped with the voting process and were part of the nomination pool. Of course we want as many members as possible so Please join ASA Today here and select Idaho. Eventually it will be changed to reflect that Compassionate Idaho is the option and leave room for more chapters. We are hoping to have several sub-chapters throughout the state! A portion of your donation to them will be remitted to us!
Every Compassionate Idaho meeting is now a Compassionate Idaho Chapter of ASA meeting. Every training, every potluck, every educational forum, every Volunteer Meet and Greet. Anything that Compassionate Idaho does also represents ASA!! This is a Huge step forward in reform for medical marijuana in Idaho and we hope that you will join us in our excitement and join today!! Of course you don't Have to be an ASA member to be a Compassionate Idaho Supporter and we don't want Anyone to feel that they can't participate with us due to not having an ASA membership!! Please understand we don't want to lose anyone at all. Joining ASA is Great but if you can't, we certainly understand and still want you to stand with us! Joining ASA will propel us forward but we certainly don't intend on leaving Anyone behind!
Please look for new updates, new posts, new pages on the website, and much more in the Very near future and Please join ASA with us if you can! We would Love to have you in Our Chapter!
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