Resources for Compassionate Candidates

Over the last 25 years, patient advocates have been working at all levels of government to create policies that recognize cannabis as a legitimate medicine. However, in the 118th Congress, patients and medical cannabis policy were not on the front burner, even when policymakers were debating cannabis policy. The over 6 million medical cannabis patients, their families, and their healthcare providers want to know that their federal representatives will be looking out for them in the next session of Congress.

Americans for Safe Access (ASA) created the Compassionate Candidate Campaign to provide candidates running for federal office an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to policies that improve the lives of medical cannabis patients and a platform for voters to learn about where candidates stand on medical cannabis issues. These resources will help candidates better understand the issues described in the Compassionate Pledge, how to participate in the Compassionate Candidate Campaign, and how to communicate and promote their support for comprehensive federal medical cannabis legislation.