ASA Activist Newsletter - MARCH 2013
Volume 8, Issue 3
ASA Hosts National Medical Cannabis
Americans for Safe Access hosted the Medical Cannabis Unity Conference and Lobby Day in Washington, D.C. at the end of February. More than 300 patients, advocates, and medical and industry professionals from 34 states met in the nation's capital for three days of education, strategy development, and skills building, followed by a day of lobbying federal officials. |
Federal Medical Cannabis Bills IntroducedTwo bills that would change federal policy on medical cannabis were introduced last month. One would reclassify cannabis as having medical use and allow states to regulate its production and distribution without federal interference. The other would give patients and providers facing federal prosecution the ability to present evidence at trial that they complied with their state's medical cannabis law, a defense currently denied them.H.R. 689, the 'States' Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act,' which removes federal barriers to medical cannabis research as well as state implementation, was introduced by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) with a dozen members of the House. 'Nineteen jurisdictions have passed laws recognizing the importance of providing access to medical marijuana for the hundreds of thousands of patients who rely on it,' said Rep. Blumenauer. 'It is time for the federal government to respect these decisions and stop inhibiting safe access.' Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA) and 11 co-sponsors introduced H.R. 710, the 'Truth in Trials Act,' a bill that would change the rules of evidence in federal court to give patients, caregivers, and other state-authorized individuals a defense to marijuana charges. The bill would allow federal defendants to present evidence that they were in compliance with their state's medical cannabis law. 'The federal government for too long has denied due process to defendants who can demonstrate that they were using medical marijuana legally under local or state law,' said Rep. Farr. 'This bill would ensure that all the evidence is heard in a case and not just the evidence that favors conviction.' Similar bills have been introduced in previous Congresses with support from ASA. The timing of the bills was coordinated with ASA to give participants in the National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference a chance to lobby their elected officials on the bills. 'Congress has an opportunity to establish a sensible public health policy on medical marijuana,' said Steph Sherer, ASA's Executive Director. 'Overwhelming scientific evidence and popular support are on our side.' H.R. 689 would move cannabis out of the Schedule I classification Congress assigned it in 1970 and streamline the approval process for medical cannabis research. Currently, cannabis is classified as highly dangerous and having no medical use, and research controlled by the National Institute on Drug Abuse has focused on attempts to prove cannabis to be harmful rather than exploring its therapeutic efficacy or potential. Co-sponsors with Rep. Blumenauer of H.R. 689 are Representatives Cohen (D-TN), Farr (D-CA), Grijalva (D-AZ), Hastings (D-FL), Honda (D-CA), Huffman (D-CA), Lee (D-CA), Moran (D-VA), Nadler (D-NY), Polis (D-CO), Rohrabacher (R-CA), and Schakowsky (D-IL). H.R. 710, the 'Truth in Trials Act,' would establish a defense for medical cannabis defendants who currently have none in federal court, leaving most to take plea bargains to avoid long mandatory minimum federal prison sentences. Federal prosecutors have charged nearly 100 individuals with federal crimes because of their involvement with state-authorized medical cannabis programs. Co-sponsors with Rep. Farr of H.R. 710 are Representatives Blumenauer (D-OR), Cohen (D-TN), Farr (D-CA), Grijalva (D-AZ), Lee (D-CA), McGovern (D-MA), Moran (D-VA), Pingree (D-ME), Polis (D-CO), Rohrabacher (R-CA), and Waxman (D-CA). More information: H.R. 689: States’ Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act H.R. 710: Truth in Trials Act Statement by Rep. Blumenauer (D-OR) ASA Report on federal obstruction to medical cannabis research |
ASA Featured at RAND Event
On February 11, Americans for Safe Access participated in a RAND Drug Policy Research Center conference and webcast discussion on developing public health regulations for marijuana. The roughly 160 participants in the Washington, D.C. event, titled “Developing Public Health Regulations for Marijuana: Lessons from Alcohol and Tobacco,” included representatives from the California Medical Association, state departments of health, policy groups and both the US House and Senate. |
Massachusetts Developing Medical
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) held “listening sessions” with stakeholders in February as it develops regulations for implementing the state’s new medical cannabis program. ASA Board Member Dr. Karen Munkacy has been working with DPH alongside other patients and advocates to ensure workable rules for the program. |
ACTION ALERT: Ask Your Representative to
Two new bills that would help fix federal policy on medical cannabis are now pending in Congress. Contact your elected representative in the House today and explain why supporting these federal bills is so important for patients. |
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