Welcome to the Medical Cannabis Equity Campaign - A Strategy to Ensure Patient Needs Are Met in Recreational Adult-Use Markets
As recreational adult-use cannabis programs have emerged across the country, it was believed they would improve patient access. Sadly, this hasn't been the case. In fact, we can see after over a decade of dual market experiments, patients are being overlooked as states shift their focus to the recreational adult-use market, neglecting the needs of medical cannabis programs.
We can turn this trend around, but it will take the power of collective action. Together, we can create a more equitable future for medical cannabis patients by educating the public, media, businesses, and policymakers about the importance of medical cannabis equity.
Americans for Safe Access has created a series of tools for advocates to utilize to address these issues in their communities including sample legislative language, reports, fact sheets, and more. By joining the Medical Cannabis Equity Campaign, you are empowering yourself and other impacted stakeholders by standing up, speaking out, and making a lasting impact on the legislation and regulations that shape our communities.
Contact your Reps & GovernorContact your state elected officials to tell them that medical cannabis patients need equity with adult-use recreational laws using our easy online tool and template email.
Engage your local mediaWrite a letter to the editor or opinion piece for your local paper to draw attention to the issues that patients still face and point them to the Medical Cannabis Equity campaign as a solution to at least some of those problems.
Recruit your friends & networkSpread the word about the campaign on social media to let folks know about this important work on behalf of medical cannabis patients. |
Briefing Guide for LegislatorsThe report and checklist provide the guidance that lawmakers and regulators need to adapt adult-use policies to protect medical cannabis patients.
State of the States ReportOur annual State of the States report scores and grades the nation's medical cannabis programs and provides policy guidance for states to improve their scores.
Media & public speaking toolsWe offer free training to advocates who are looking to improve their skills including training on public speaking and talking to the media.
Community outreach flyersThese flyers provide an overview of the campaign and are designed for advocates to distribute to the public.
Campaigns like Safe Access 4 All are only possible thanks to the support of the Members of Americans for Safe Access, our generous sponsors and, of course, the donors who support our work with a contribution of any amount.
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