WASHINGTON, DC — On April 28 and 29 of this year, Americans for Safe Access (ASA) will hold its 9th annual National Medical Cannabis Unity conference. For the last 8 years, ASA has brought together medical cannabis patients, caregivers, veterans, advocates, medical professionals, industry business leaders, health care providers, researchers, legal and regulatory experts, industry representatives to talk about the most important issues regarding medical cannabis access for patients.
This year’s Unity Conference theme coincides with ASA’s “No Patient Left Behind” campaign, which addresses the many barriers patients still face around the country regarding safe access to medical cannabis. Although medical cannabis is legal in 36 states, the District of Columbia, and 4 territories, due to the patchwork of state medical cannabis laws and regulations and cannabis’ Schedule 1 status, millions of patients across the country find themselves without access. These barriers to access mean that patients are being kicked out of federal housing or federal jobs, can not travel out of state without their medicine, and are not allowed access to medical cannabis in healthcare settings such as hospices, and much more. As cannabis laws in the United States continue to evolve, action must be taken to ensure that no patient is left behind.
ASA will share the latest developments in medical cannabis, discuss barriers to access, and exchange ideas about how to navigate national and global medical cannabis policy. Participants will leave with the knowledge they need to advocate for better medical cannabis policies at the state and federal levels.
When: April 28 and 29, 2021
What: 9th Annual National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference
Where: Online
Who: Reporters, medical cannabis patients, caregivers, veterans, advocates, medical professionals, industry business leaders, health care providers, researchers, legal and regulatory experts, industry representatives
“While we are encouraged by the many strides made in medical cannabis access in the last 20 years, millions of patients still face many barriers to safe and legal access due to conflicting federal and state laws. Laws must be changed to expand medical cannabis access to ensure that patients are prioritized,” said Debbie Churgai, executive director of Americans for Safe Access. "This is a conference not just for patients and advocates, but also for lawyers, medical professionals, and policymakers to come together and discuss ways in which they can help ensure that medical cannabis remains on the forefront of policy reforms."
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