Did you see me on the front page of USA Today... Today!
My name is Larry Harvey. I am a 70-year old legal medical cannabis patient who lives near Kettle Falls, Washington. Last year, I was arrested by federal agents, along with three family members and a friend, for growing 44 cannabis plants for our own private use. We will soon be tried in federal court in Spokane, Washington and each one of us face a minimum of ten years in prison. We will not be allowed to tell the jury that we were obeying the medical cannabis laws in Washington State.
I need your help to shine a national spotlight on this injustice. Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is mounting a national media campaign to let the country know that the federal attack on legal medical cannabis is not over. Did you see my article on the front page of the USA Today? ASA helped make that happen but there is still a ton of work that has to be done. Will you help us make protecting legal patients like my family, friend, and me a priority? Please make a special contribution to support ASA’s work today.
I traveled to Washington, DC on May 7th Falls 5” media campaign. I stood on the steps of the Capitol Building with U.S. Congress Members Paul Broun (R-GA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), and Sam Farr (D-CA), and ASA Executive Director Steph Sherer.
We told the press our story and asked Congress to take action. It worked. There have already been hundreds of media stories about the “Kettle Falls 5.” Our story is getting out, and I know it will make a difference in the national conversation about medical cannabis. But we need to do more, and I need your help to do it. Please make a generous one-time contribution to ASA or an affordable monthly contribution to support work like this today.
ASA is the nation’s leading advocacy group for medical cannabis patients. Their legal support and strategic media work matter for patients nationwide. We have to support this work, so that one day, families like mine will not be facing federal prison for obeying state law.
On behalf of the “Kettle Falls 5,” I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported us and who will keep helping.
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