Welcome to the Compassionate Candidate Campaign!
Enhance national awareness of the issues confronting medical cannabis patients.
Advocate for the integration of medical cannabis into national healthcare systems.
Educate the next the Congress to effectively represent medical cannabis patients.
Activities include:
- Attending Town Halls, Forums, and Other Candidate Events: Participate in candidate events to ask questions about their stance on medical cannabis, share patient stories, and advocate for compassionate medical cannabis policies.
- Bird-Dogging Candidates: Asking candidates pointed questions about their policies on medical cannabis at public events to ensure accountability.
- Engage in Direct Outreach: Arrange and attend meetings with candidates and their campaign teams to discuss the importance of medical cannabis, provide educational materials, and advocate for their support.
- Leverage Media Coverage: Utilize election related press and social media campaigns to highlight key issues and educate voters about candidate positions.
- Coordinate Voter Mobilization: Encourage medical cannabis supporters to vote!
- Build Coalitions: Partner with healthcare organizations, patient advocacy groups, and other stakeholders to amplify our message.
We need your help, Sign up today to get involved!
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