
What is an ASA Action Group?

ASA Action Groups are self-starting activist groups that come together to fight for safe access to medical marijuana.  Maybe there is a specific law in your town or city you want to change.  Maybe you are concerned about state laws.  Maybe it's Congress that really makes you mad.  

For many issues, we can give you materials and support.  For others, we look to you to play a leadership role in your community.

*To learn more about what Chapters and Action Groups do, check out the Chapter Handbook.*

What are the ASA Action Group Principles?

  • Focus solely on medical marijuana issues.  ASA Action Groups do not work on legalization of marijuana for non-medical purposes or other illicit drug issues.
  • Treat others respectfully - including those who might disagree with ASA’s mission.  That doesn't mean we are quiet - it just means we are fair.
  • Make time to also work on national ASA campaigns.
  • Be nonpartisan and do not endorse candidates for elected office.
  • Do not make business or commercial endorsements.

What is the difference between an ASA Action Group and an ASA Chapter?

  • ASA Action Groups are self-selecting groups of activists who want to work together on medical marijuana issues.  ASA Chapters are community groups that represent ASA in a specific community.  ASA Chapters have elections, rules, and officeholders.  ASA Action Groups do not.
  • Chapters must have at least 10 current dues-paying ASA members as part of their Affiliation Agreement. Action Groups must have at least 3 current ASA members as part of their Affiliation Agreement.
  • Action Groups cannot use the ASA name or logo without explicit permission of ASA National. This includes outreach, social media, and fundraising.
  • ASA National does not extend its 501c4 nonprofit status to Action Groups like it does with Chapters. In addition, Action Groups are not offered the same fundraising support as Chapters.

Can there be more than one ASA Action Group in a community?

Absolutely!  Just make sure your Action Group is respectful of the other Action Group’s goals, and vice versa.  Action Groups should strive to work with other Action Groups and Chapters in their area.

How to start an ASA Action Group …

  1. Have 3 current dues-paying ASA members.
  2. Complete the Action Group Affiliation Agreement along with the Action Group Membership form.
  3. Submit both forms to [email protected].