
Caregivers seeking to assist patients in Minnesota must apply at the time that the patient submits their registration application to DOH. Caregivers must be at least 21 years of age and may not have a disqualifying felony conviction for violation of the state or federal controlled substances act. DOH may allow a caregiver with a felony marijuana conviction to register if DOH determines the conduct was related to the medical use of cannabis, but retains sole discretion on granting any waivers to the disqualifying felony rule. A caregiver's application will only be approved if DOH determines that the patient the caregiver is seeking to assist is "developmentally or physically disabled and therefore unable to self-administer medication or acquire medical cannabis...". The law only allows for designated caregivers to serve one patient, unless the patients reside in the same residence.

 Producers and Providers:

The law authorizes DOH to license and regulate medical cannabis manufacturers (MCM), which cultivate, process, and sell medical cannabis products to patients. Unless expressly authorized by DOH and the legislature, MCMs cannot sell medical cannabis in its conventional form of dried flowers, and instead are limited to producing and selling oils (both extracts and concentrates), pills, or liquids. The vertically integrated MCMs will be allowed one cultivation facility and four retail locations across the state, and according to the law must "begin supplying medical cannabis to patients by July 1, 2015." 

Regulations for MCMs are currently being developed and must be finalized by January 1, 2015.