If you wish to become a patient certified to use cannabidiol preparation in Wyoming, you must be diagnosed with intractable epilepsy and see a board certified neurologist. Once they have evaluated your condition, they will submit an application on your behalf.

Eligible Medical Conditions: cancer, glaucoma, positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Crohn's disease, sickle‑cell anemia, ulcerative colitis, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Tourette's syndrome or any chronic movement disorder, any terminal condition, or any treatment that produces, for a specific patient, one (1) or more of the following symptoms, and which, in the professional opinion of the patient's health care provider, may be alleviated by the use of medical marijuana or medical marijuana‑derived products: cachexia, post‑traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, autism, opiate dependency, daily nausea, migraines, seizures including those that are characteristic of epilepsy, intractable pain or persistent muscle spasms including those that are characteristic of multiple sclerosis;

Becoming a Patient as a Minor:

The application process is the same for minors diagnosed with intractable epilepsy.

Benefits of Being a Patient:

As a registered patient in Wyoming. you will have an affirmative defense in court if you are arrested for the possession of cannabidiol preparation with less than .3% THC

Becoming a Caregiver:

There are no provisions for caregivers under Wyoming law.

Out of State Patients:

The state of Wyoming does not recognize out of state patient registrations. For more information about traveling as a medical cannabis patient, check out our Travel Guide.

Home Cultivation:

Growing cannabis at home is not legal in the state of Wyoming.


Medical cannabis patients can find additional resources here

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